Tag : Writing

Has Anyone Seen Jim? Eric J. Taubert - Cape Cod

Has Anyone Seen Jim?

Jim used to be a fisherman. Or so they said. People saw him in town sometimes. A six-pack, a carton of smokes, maybe a can of something barely worth eating. He didn’t linger. Never made small talk. Just dropped crumpled bills on the counter and walked out. That was a while ago. Months. A year. Maybe more.

Dreary Immaculate: Coastal Maine NFT Collection by artist Eric J. Taubert

Artist Eric J. Taubert brings “Dreary Immaculate” of Coastal Maine to NFT Collection

(NOTE: An abridged version of this interview/essay was originally published in Maine Art Scene) The traditional art gallery model that has served plein air painters, mixed media artists, and fine art photographers for generations still reigns supreme in Maine; but change is in the wind.

The Cure For Everything Is Salt Water | Eric J Taubert | Ogunquit, Maine

The Cure For Everything Is Salt Water | Eric J. Taubert

(NOTE: An abridged version of this photo essay was originally published in the Spring 2021 Issue of the Maine Arts Journal – Union of Maine Visual Artists / UMVA Quarterly) “I know of a cure for everything: Salt water. In one way or the other. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea.” — Isak Dinesen As the pandemic began to surge in early 2020, my wife Charlene and I left our winter home in Southwest Florida and drove back to […]

Ryan Landry for Artscope

Eric Taubert Interviews Provincetown Artist Ryan Landry For Artscope Magazine

Don’t miss the July/August issue of artscope magazine for my interview with artist Ryan Landry!

August Wanes

August wanes. Tucked among skyline branches and the wild tangles of roadside ditch thickets are patches of prescient leaves bold enough to prophesy impending end times. The last days of the deciduous.

Venice, Italy - Eric Taubert

‘Always try to see life around ya as if you’d just come out of a tunnel.’

This is how it is everyday. Eyes open against pillow. I feel like I’m always waking up. I twist my neck to check the digital clock. It’s too early or too late. I’m either awake and ready for more sleep, or sluggish and slept too long.